



upset; annoyed; irritated


【例】Don’t get upset about the dress – there’s only a little stain on it. 不要再纠结连衣裙的事了,其实也就弄脏了一点。

1. be torn between…and…

torn是tear(撕;扯)的过去分词,纠结也就是扯来扯去扯不清楚,因此torn在这里还是比较形象的。Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 5th Edition对be torn between…and…的解释是:If you are torn between two or more things, you cannot decide which to choose, and so you feel anxious or troubled

【例】Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics. 罗布很纠结,因为他不知道该当医生还是该当运动员。

(来源:Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 5th Edition)

2. be of two minds about

mind的意思是“想法;看法”,be of two minds about也就是对某事心中有两种想法,拿不定主意,因此可以理解为“纠结”。MacMillan English Dictionary – American对be of two minds about的解释是:to not be certain about something, or to have difficulty in making a decision

【例】I’m of two minds about accepting the job. 对于是否该接受这份工作,我很纠结。

(MacMillan English Dictionary – American)

3. face the dilemma of

dilemma这个词很容易拼错,所以一定要注意:di-le-mma,有两个m。Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary对dilemma的解释是:a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do

【例】She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves. 她要么会违背父亲的意愿,要么会失去她所爱的男人,对此她很纠结。

(来源:Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)


1. upset; annoyed; irritated 思绪纷乱,心情烦闷

2. be torn between…and…; be of two minds about; face the dilemma of 处于面临两难的选择而不好做决定的状态



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在大城市生活,要有狼的血性,但我们毕竟要生存,做不了狼,只能做狼狗,有狼的血性,也有狗的妥协。但是,狼狗和狗是有本质区别的,因为狼狗不吃屎。—— 蟹老板
